How to Define a Competency - Competency statements


How to write Competency Statements that work.
Covers language, statement structure, pitfalls, validity and more.

Organizations know Competency Models are an essential Management tool.
Their value is entirely dependent on the quality of their competency statements

Avoid the common pitfalls of competency definition by understanding;

  • The competency types you need
  • The purpose of your competencies
  • The information you need from assessments
  • The 4 essential criteria for statements that work
  • How to structure the statements
  • The effects of statement characteristics on validity
  • Whether/How to define and describe proficiency levels
  • Measuring the elements of competency

Competency Frameworks can be used to ;

  • Hire the right people
  • Align workforce to strategy
  • Improve Quality
  • Improve Productivity
  • Shape organizational culture
  • Ensure Compliance
  • Develop Capability
  • Build staff Engagement
  • Manage staffing & Project teams
  • Minimise human capital risk

Different purposes need different definitions

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    sample page competency statements

    Writing Effective Competency Statements

    Creating competency statements that resonate requires a thoughtful approach. Whether drafting from scratch or refining existing ones, understanding the underlying purpose is crucial. Here’s how you can craft statements that are both impactful and meaningful.

    Understanding the Purpose

    Before you begin, ask yourself: What objective do these competency statements serve? This foundational question guides the entire writing process, ensuring clarity and relevance.  For example –

    • Guiding Professional Development: They help direct training initiatives.
    • Enhancing Evaluations: Clear competencies allow for more objective assessments to identify skill gaps
    • Facilitating Recruitment: Competency-based hiring ensures alignment with organizational values and needs.

    The importance of context

    Understanding the context of a situation is crucial when crafting competency statements.  By grasping the context, you ensure that the competencies align seamlessly with the specific scenarios they are meant to address. This alignment facilitates clear communication of the desired skills and behaviors needed in a particular role or real world situation.

    Specificity enhances the credibility and applicability of the statements, making them more actionable. In contrast, without proper context, competency statements risk being vague and ineffective.

    Context also contributes to the validation process. When competencies are developed with a comprehensive understanding of their intended use, they are easier to measure and assess. This not only aids in the evaluation of performance but also supports training and development initiatives by clearly defining what is expected.

    The importance of language

    Be specific. Write your competency statements with precise verbs that reflect the required level of expertise. Use action-oriented language to convey the intended behavior, knowledge, or skill in a clear manner.

    Establish criteria that clearly differentiate between various proficiency levels

    Validation Methods
    Develop a strategy for assessing the validity of your competency statements.  Do others interpret them as you intended.

    Gather feedback from colleagues who can provide insights on the relevance and clarity of the competency statements. Over time check whether assessed competency levels using your statements correlate with operational results.

    Regular review and updates are needed to update competencies and statements based on evolving roles and industry standards.

    For all the details download the ebook now