Deploy Operational Skills Management Software to improve performance and reduce risks from human error.
Training and qualifications alone don’t guarantee competence on the job.
Operational Skills (Job specific Functional and Technical competencies) are the best predictors of successful job performance.
Operational Skills Management Software for knowledge intensive industries
Supports all types of skills in multiple frameworks.
Use your own custom skills models and showcase career pathways
Central Skills Library and Role Profile Mapping
Valid Skills Assessments – flexible, easy to use, multiple methods
Skills linked development resources
Real time Workforce Skills Analytics
Skills Management Software Modules
Skills Library
Central library
Maintain all your skills in one central repository so you make changes in just one place. Always access both current and historical records.
Customizable content
Designed for operational subject matter experts to define and update the current and future skills needed for success in their areas of your organization.
Supports multiple frameworks and multiple skill levels.
As many skills as you need. You can include values based behaviours, soft skills, leadership skills, compliance requirements, functional and technical skills. Customize rating scales. Include descriptions as well as labels for each rating point so that evaluation is more consistent.
Improve Health & Safety and other regulatory Compliance by defining these expectations as Skills with task lists.
View guides for development of competency frameworks and how to write competency statements
Profile Mapping
Profile Library
Dedicated module for mapping operational skills to job profiles.
Any combination of skills and standards can be mapped to requirement profiles. The module enables linking of individuals to one or more profiles for assessment and reporting.
Skills mapping can be used to define a set of core skills as part of performance expectations. You can also create profiles for core skills and leadership skills at various levels.
Departmental subject matter experts can manage their own job profiles with operationas l skills – functional and technical. Publication protocols ensure job profiles remain up to date whilst preserving the integrity of historical records.

Career/Learning pathways
Job skills profiles can be organized in career pathways within the library.
Specialist career pathways can be indicated using multiple levels within skill sets to highlight requirements by role seniority.
Skills Assessment
All the flexibility you need
Stand-alone Skills Assessment platform.
Multiple assessment methods supported. Administrative work is minimised.
Staff, line managers and HR staff can all initiate assessments, nominating assessment content and assessors/reviewers, subject to an approval process.
Assessments may have a time frame for completion, or remain open all year. Evaluations are captured and reported in real time.
Built in safeguards to minimise bias.

Automated alerting
Reviewers receive automated notifications and reminders when evaluations are due. The message content and timing is configurable.

Comprehensive Management Reports give real time information on Skills Gaps and Levels as well as comparative data and trends

Risk and Quality Management
Demonstrate workforce functional competence for quality assurance programmes.
Identify those with particular skills for project teams.
In today’s complex and dynamic operational environments. you need to be able to show that your workforce has the skills and knowledge needed to make the right judgments and decisions
Skills Linked Knowledge Testing
What you know determines what you do
Knowledge is the key – Today competence requires much more than the ‘right behavior’. Especially in complex roles skills depend on a foundation of knowledge. Now you can test whether staff have the knowledge they need for top performance.
Test Platform Central question library. Construct Multiple Choice Questions with rich media, linked directly to skills requirements. Create test templates and manage knowledge testing with automatic update of skills assessments.
Flexible Departmental subject matter experts manage their own areas within the test platform.

Gap Analysis
Real time individual and consolidated reports on knowledge gaps at a detailed level enable targeted learning initiatives.
Reports on test results across questions enable quality control of the test bank itself.
Skills Linked Learning
Link Learning to business priorities
Real time need registration –
Staff and managers use the Individual Development Plan to register skills linked development needs as they arise, anytime during the year.

Effectiveness tracking
Clients find many training needs can be met very cost effectively with on lone support materials, on job training and coaching.
Course evaluations can be requested automatically after course completion.
Management reports provide details of all individual learning initiatives, with costs, approvals, progress status and manager assessment of effectiveness.

Targeted learning
The Individual Development Plan enables selection of operational skills linked learning strategies, formal and informal resources. Optional configurable approval processes for registration on designated course types.
Training Management
Approval and Progress on each learning objective is tracked. Completed Learning Initiatives are automatically updated as individual training records.

Skills Reporting
Real time rich information and reporting
Real time reporting
Management reports provide on demand information about current skill requirements, competence levels, competence gaps, comparisons between periods and skills trends right through the organization.
Reports drill down to the level of particular standards or behaviors to enable a laser targeted approach to training.

Complete toolkit for your own fully customizable operational skills management system