Competency Management for Healthcare

Streamline clinical competency management and compliance.

Clinical Competency Management Software

Simplifying Competency Management for Healthcare Organizations

Is your competency information scattered and hard to manage?

Don't struggle with Complex Competency Management

Managing fragmented competency information can drain your resources and lead to operational and compliance risks affecting quality of care

Do you experience

  • A struggle to keep up with multiple ever changing clinical competency requirements
  • Data scattered across many spreadsheets and files
  • Competency management administration overwhelming clinical staff time
  • Compliance risks due to error prone processes
  • Inconsistent competency assurance across departments
  • Lack of visibility into staff competency levels and gaps
  • Lack of intuitive access for staff to competency development resources
fragmented competency information

Centranum Clinical Competency Management Software streamlines competency management processes

Use technology to manage complexity – simplifying clinical competency management for your staff.  Facilitate staff development, ensure compliance, elevate care standards and reduce the administrative load.

Clinical Competency Matrix
  • Easily manage and update multiple competency frameworks in one place
  • Maintain changing skill mappings by role and or department
  • Link up to date learning resources to competencies at any level to facilitate staff access
  • Select from multiple assessment methods
  • Use AI to automate assessment management
  • Enjoy real time visibility of staff competence levels and gaps
  • Track individual staff development and learning

We understand the problems of competency management in healthcare organizations

20 Years of Expertise
Centranum expertise

Delivering effective competency management solutions globally since 2005

Trusted by Healthcare Institutions
Skills management for Healthcare

Centranum Clinical Competency Management Software continuously evolves with client feedback to meet the complex needs of healthcare organizations, helping them save time and stay compliant and efficient.

Three simple steps to streamline your Competency Management

Transition to effective competency assurance with ease

Engage with our team

Discuss your unique competency management needs and see how our platform can be configured to meet them

Set Up a Pilot Project

Experience our solutions first hand and work with us to configure the system and complete a proof of concept

Roll Out Across Your Organization

Implement at your preferred pace with ongoing support.

Gain Control and Confidence in Competency Management

Transform complexity into clarity

In today’s healthcare landscape, managing competency requirements can feel overwhelming.

complexity to clarity

Fragmented information scattered across multiple files and spreadsheets not only drains your time but can also lead to compliance frustrations and potential risks.

Centranum’s Clinical Competency Management Software is a solution that simplifies competency management in healthcare through a centralized library, bringing clarity to your organization. With tools to easily map and maintain job-specific competencies and flexible assessment methods, you can enjoy real-time reporting and reduced administrative burden. Imagine feeling empowered with clear visibility into qualifications, certifications, competencies andf individual development, ensuring effortless compliance and quality assurance. By engaging with us, you can explore how Centranum fits your unique needs, set up a pilot project, and slowly roll it out to enjoy the benefits across your organization.

Centranum Tools for seamlessly integrated healthcare competency management

Competency Management Software - Competency Library
Competency Management Software - Competency Profile Mapping
Competency Management Software - Assessment
Competency Management Software - Knowledge Testing
Competency Management Software - Analytics

Central Competency Library

The Library is organized by discipline and framework.  You can manage access for subject matter experts to their own areas.

Supports multiple competency models or competency frameworks;

  • Nursing Competencies,
  • Allied Health Competencies
  • Medical Competencies

Competency library supports all competency models – no matter how complex.

The competency definition wizard helps you define competency models and statements. A wide range of generic competencies are available to use as a starting point.

The library displays linked learning resources, including multimedia resources, for all competencies so that your staff can always access current material.

Define and update all competencies in just one place. Quick and simple revision process enables quick update of mapped profiles.

All changes are tracked and historical data is maintained.

competency mapping process

Clinical Competency Mapping

Tool for mapping competencies into profiles for job roles or stages of professional development.  Profiles can specify required proficiency or entrustment level and associated standards, by competency, for particular roles or professional career tracks.

Use the tool to link staff to relevant profiles so they can see their competency requirements at any time and can download competency linked learning resources.

Our profile revision process makes it quick and easy to update profiles when competencies are updated in the library.

Interactive Career Pathways


Profiles can include interactive career pathway display so staff can check out potential next steps and the relevant learning resources.

clinical career pathway
manage clinical competency assessments

Competency Assessment & Audits

Competency Profiles and checklists are the templates for assessments.

Self service workplace based assessment forms for cased based assessments and DOPs (direct observation of procedures).

The Team Dashboard is a centre to manage all assessments – one click to all information and relevant actions.

There are multiple process options for assessments, to optimise flexibility and ensure all your assessment methods are supported.   This includes validation and verification processes.

Assessment pre-settings tools and the simple assessment wizard enables co-ordinators to quickly create assessments in bulk, automatically assigning assessors.  Assessments for any expired competencies are set up and notified automatically.  Assessments for a particular competency can be set up by the assessee and/or assessor.

Since circumstances and people may change, the platform enables easy update of assessors as needed.

The application is mobile friendly so assessments can be done on the job using smart phones and tablets.

Assessor dashboards, for those with multiple staff to assess, enable completion of several assessments on one page.

Competency Linked  Knowledge Testing Platform

Up to date knowledge is a prerequisite of sound clinical practice.

Use the Question Builder tool to create and maintain a library of questions.

For automated marking, construct Multiple Choice Questions with rich media,  linked directly to clinical competency requirements.

Create test templates with question pools and manage knowledge testing.

The platform automatically assigns staff to the relevant knowledge tests according to their competency requirements and updates their assessment records.

Each clinical discipline can create and maintain their own knowledge tests.

Knowledge tests can also be linked to learning resources and training courses to enable trackable demonstration of understanding for QA and compliance.

knowledge testing software
Caree Development Platform - Individual Competency Assessment

The Staff Profile shows details of all current requirements, current competency levels and gaps as well as individual development objectives and mandatory credential information.

Individual Clinical Competency Reports

Reports for individuals by assessment with a summary showing competency levels and gaps.

Reports include a history section if relevant, providing a comparison with previous assessments to show developing skills.

A detail section shows all comments, ratings, validation, and uploaded evidence.

Clinical Competency - complete Staff Profile
Clinical Competency Matrix

Team Reports and Analytics

Track progress of assessments and audits across all departments.

Over 40 reports provide information on competency levels and gaps, strengths and weaknesses, competency development over time, down to indicator/standard level.

Select views for teams, divisions or the whole organisation.

Competency Matrix reports provide information at competency level, standards level and by job profile.

Departmental competency matrix reports also show overall vulnerability by competency and versatility (range of competency) by person.

Track Credentials

Use the Job Analysis tool and Job Capability requirement profile to define qualification, certification and credentials required for each job role.

Capture actual capability, training and achievements for each individual in their Individual Capability profile/CV.    This may be updated by individuals or automatically via an interface with the main HR system.

Generate a real time heatmap of expiring mandatory training & credentials.

Clinical Credential Expiry heatmap
Clinical Credentials and Gaps

For individuals review their current capability against the requirement for any role to identify gaps.

Staff may choose job role, performance, assessment and professional development data to print as a pdf Personal Portfolio for submission to professional associations and other credentialing authorities.