Career Development Platform
Centranum’s Career Development Platform with comprehensive tools and integrated data.
Career Development - The What and the Why?
Career Development means answering the following questions for staff and potential hires.
- What roles are potentially available?
- Which ones interest me and how do I register my interest?
- How do my skills stack up?
- What do I need in terms of development?
- Where do I find the relevant learning resources?
These are critical questions to answer.
Organizations must have the tools and culture to answer them in order to retain and attract valuable staff.
Research shows that staff are more engaged, less likely to leave, when they see potential for advancement within the organization.

The World Economic Forum reports indicate global skills shortages are likely to continue as technology adoption increases at an expanding rate. Technology is replacing those lower skilled roles where tasks are routine and complex judgments are not required. At the same time the roles that develop and manage technology are becoming more complex.
So effective career development initiatives requires planning.
This planning includes;
- the identification of current and future activities, and the continual update of current, evolving and future job role responsibilities.
- job analysis to identify job role capability requirements
- identification of career progression pathways.
- identification and provision of cost effective Learning Resources for reskilling.
Career Development Platform - Integrated data
A holistic view of organizational requirements and capability is needed for effective career development.
Most organizations don’t have the required information – or if they do it is fragmented.
The Centranum Career Development platform provides an integrated tool set that enables the identification and continuous evolution of role requirements. Organisations have the tools to capture comprehensive capability information, evaluate and develop capability across the organization.

Tools to define job roles, capability requirements and position in career pathways.

Individual CV – capture all relevant capabilities for all staff members – Team capability search facility and Team Capability reports

Career Development wizard for staff and managers to review job roles, requirements, gaps and indicate interest.

Build your own capability and competency frameworks and libraries. Start from our generic industry databases. Competency assessments for all types of competency – including job specific functional, technical and clinical competencies.

Learning & Development planning and resources for individuals, teams and new hires.

Define and develop competency requirements for talent pools – for technical specialist pathways or leadership progression.
Career Pathways - visible opportunities
Provide a comprehensive view for staff with a choice of pathways. You will need –
Role directory

A central directory of all roles with details of key responsibilities, tasks, capability requirements, organizational context and possible next steps.
Since this is sensitive information it should be available only to logged in staff. Configurable access controls enable viewing of organizational roles to be restricted as appropriate.
Simple tools enable role descriptions to be easily updated by admins, or even managers, as roles evolve. Incumbents are linked to their roles so that they access their job requirements on demand.
Capability Framework

Every organization is unique. Each has their own market, set of products, particular activities. Each will require a unique set of capabilities. Defining these accurately is essential for cost effective staffing and organizational success. Centranum provides the tools to help organizations design, define and maintain their own Capability and Competency Frameworks.
Next steps per role

Every role may have an indication of potential next steps – these may be upwards in terms of the hierarchy, or sideways to a new specialization.
Staff have a visual interface enabling interactive navigation of these career pathways. All the various possibilities can be reviewed, along with their respective progression pathways.
Competency Evaluation
Job Competency
Map job competency (skills) requirement profiles from competencies in the central library. Centranum’s flexible assessment tools support multiple assessment methods. Quick and easy administration and self service. Individual and Team reports provide real time information.

Core & Leadership Competencies
Centranum’s state of the art 360 feedback module is ideal for capturing information on core and leadership competencies. This module includes processes designed to minimise the potential negative consequences of anonymous feedback.
Reports are fully customizable, providing feedback in an easy to interpret graphical format.

Capability Gap Analysis for Career Path
Provide staff the opportunity to measure themselves against any job of interest – see capability and competency gaps and locate the resources needed to close those gaps. Managers have a similar view and facility to indicate recommended next steps and readiness for their staff.
The Centranum Career Deverlopment Platform has a Career Planning module provides an interface for staff to select a role of interest from the overall directory.
Next to preview its key responsibilities and tasks, required capabilities and competencies.
If they wish they can review, in depth, their development needs for the role, both for the capability requirements and for job specific competencies.
The staff CV module also provides a gap view comparing a staff member’s current capability set against that of any role of interest. Staff may update parts of their CV subject to the policy of the organization, and a validation process.

For each role the Career Development Module provides a view of all relevant Capability and Competency Linked learning resources, and how to access them.

Capture Career Interest Information
For internal recruitment and succession planning

This career interest information is shown in the staff profile – a single tabbed page that collates all information for each staff member.
A career planning report, by role, is available for managers and admins showing which roles staff have interest in. It also shows rtoles that managers or admins have recommended as possible next steps for them, with readiness information and notes.
The career development module enables staff to indicate their interest in any role. Managers may suggest possible next steps for their staff with a readiness indicator and notes.

Learning Resources for career development
The Centranum Career Development Platform includes both formal and informal learning resources with facilities to track learning progress.
Informal Resources
For bite sized learning, policies, go to people, guides, job aids, standard operating procedures, on line resources.
May be linked to individual development plan.
Option for completion tracking and quiz assessment to assess and ensure understanding of important materials.

Formal Resources
Catalogue of event based and self paced learning, including e-learning, with in depth information for learners, managers and admins. Training calendar.
Enrolment and configurable approval processes. Event management and configurable notifications. Completion tracking and comprehensive training records with automatic update of staff capability record.
Team dashboards for Managers and Admins. My Training dashboard for individual learners.
Growth Plans for Career Development
The Career Development Platform includes a library of development objectives with learning resources that staff can use in their individual growth plans.
Library development objectives can be grouped into role or leadership tier development programmes.
Use individual Growth Plans to track progress and effectiveness of learning

Creating and developing Talent Pools

Create competency based talent pools that may be role specific or for leadership tiers.
Assess staff for development potential using our Talent Review tools or configure your own assessment.
Assign staff to a talent pool, guide and track them through the relevant development programme, learning experiences and competency assessments.